Address book

Meet the team and why they love their work.

Contact us for more information!


Agustín Angulo Romo.


“While I am in contact with children, knowing that I can understand and help, It makes me feel alive.

The satisfaction of all people regardless of age is something that is priceless.”



Antonia Vargas.

General Medical and Childbirth Instructor psychoprophylactic.

“My job is the best in the world. Get people who offered me faith and trust, It leaves me much more than I can give. As a patient I learned that the doctor can be a light that fills you with hope when you need it, so it is a big commitment.”

Directory-Alma-RodriguezAlma Rodriguez.

General Administration in Mexico Accessible.

“When work is a pleasure, Life is a joy! I like my job and help convey that joy.

There will always be a smile on my face caused by greeting everyone daily.”


Directory-Eutimio-CruzEutimio Cruz.

Transportation and Servicing.

“Help and serve are my qualities and carry them out in everything I do, It makes me feel good.

I serve apasionar. It motivates me help. I am happy to live.”